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Meditation has completely changed me.

When I started meditating I had no idea what I was doing. The process began for me about 6 years ago when my second child was born.

I was adjusting to being a  stay at home mother of two and burning OUT! It seemed like it was all coming at me all at once nursing my baby, the dishes, the laundry, cooking dinner, potty training a 2 yr old, husband getting traded to a new team, moving an entire home, in school WHEW!!!

I was taking care of myself but I needed something that could help me in the moment.

Hi, I’m Shervella Ellerbe, but you can call me Vella.

I’m a holistic coach and mother that wants to take a stand for your health and body. I founded “The Mom’s Lab”, a community which served over 250 women from all walks of life. I’ve coached many new mothers and women just like you to fall in love with their new mama bodies, break free from dieting, and build an inner confidence they only dreamed about.

Want to join the “Mamas Who Breathe” Circle? It’s a FREE Virtual monthly meet-up where we just come to be and meditate. WE:

Release. Reset. Receive.


What I now have language for is I needed something that could help me maintain in the midst of “peace abiding”.

So I started meditating in the shower at night (after I prayed). I allowed the water to wash the day off while inhaling frankincense essential oil to help ground me.

It done it for me.

I could unwind in a way that refreshed me. By this time I was already eating well, drinking enough water and taking time away to just be. But I still had so much going on.

One day I decided to take a midday shower when I was having a moment “all I need is 5 minutes,” I thought to myself. I’m the shower until the water gets cold chick haha. But right before my foot hit the water my baby started crying.

I was devastated.

I had the drops of frankincense in my hand already so I cuffed my hands to my face for a few deep breaths.

Washed my hands, grab my robe and went to get my baby.

About 30 minutes later I realized I felt somewhat rejuvenated. That was it, that’s all it took. That was the day I started “burning” oils and affirming myself. I was legit burning the oils too y’all. I used them in a pot on the stove like I seen my granny do.

Becoming more seasoned, I got a diffuser and never looked backed.

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I’m creating “Mamas Who Breathe” to spread these tools with mamas. I feel like every mother should be exposed to meditation, essential oils or meditative approaches to stay grounded.

But also creating community here for mothers.

As a generation we have grown stronger in acquiring knowledge but weaker in community and supporting one another. I aspire to establish meets up and mommy circles. Giving mothers the opportunity to learn oil blends, delicious recipes, how to switch and ditch to a more holistic lifestyle, share baby stories and cry if need be.

I want to make room for MAMA.

I want to hold space for her to learn, to cry and to most importantly be heard.


When mamas breathe, we release.


We let go of what’s no longer serving us and inviting in all that’s needed for that MOMENT.

Remembering if we feel overwhelmed that pausing to feel the breath can make all the difference.

You’re alive, you’re strong and well.

You have everything you already need.

Just slow down long enough to tap into it

Join me in our online community and in person pop ups to do just that and more.

We will come together share our stories but most importantly we will

Inhale what we need and exhale what we don’t. Breathe, you got this.

“I would like to say Vella has amazing spirit about herself she is very organic in connecting with others. I love how she allows space for other to receive what they need as well as receiving what she needs. Vella created a space for a mother like myself could connect with women in a space where there isn’t judging, space where you can be honest and real and have a community to support you in your personal journey. I’m so thankful Vella came into my life when she did and I have really enjoy my connection with her and the community she created ❤️”

-Eurica B.